【同义词辨析】 2019-10-30 喷涌pour-sluice

pour: suggests abundant emission: it never rains but it ~s; and may sometimes imply a coming in a course or stream from or as if from a spout: workers ~ed from the subway exits.   (spout有3个意思 1、容器嘴a pipe or tube on a container, that you can pour liquid out through,如the spout of a teapot茶壶 2、喷出喷射to send out liquid,如the wound was still spouting blood伤口还在血,如clear water spouted from the fountains清澈的水从喷泉中喷射出来 3、滔滔不绝喋喋不休地说to speak a lot about something,如the lecturer spouted for hours讲师滔滔不绝地讲了几个小时,如he’s always spouting off about the behavior of young people today他总是没完没了地说如今年轻人的行为,如what are you spouting on about now你在啰嗦什么呢?)  对于水流而言,course就是channel水道

stream: suggests a flowing through a channel or from an opening or the abundance or continuousness of that flow: tears ~ed from her eyes.  (channel水道频道途径a passage that water can flow along, the Channel英吉利海峡=the English Channel)

gutter: implies a sudden and copious outpouring of or as if of something released from confinement: blood ~ed from the wound. copious大量

sluice: implies the operation of something like a sluice or flume for the control of the flow of water and regularly suggests a sudden abundant streaming: rainwater ~ing through the gutters.  flume引水槽、放水沟、游乐园水滑道a narrow channel made to carry water,来自词根FLU表示flow流)   又如he sluiced the bath and filled it他冲洗了浴缸然后放满了水,如the ship's crew was sluicing down the deck船员们正在冲洗甲板  gutter路旁排水沟阴沟; 恶劣的社会环境

pour倾倒: 表示大量排出;或表示从容器口排出,stream溪流: 表示从起源流经水道,强调连续性,gutter喷涌: 指突然大量喷出,从禁闭中释放,sluice水闸泄水冲洗: 表示用水闸或水槽控制流量,表示水大而急  

记忆方法: 1)首字母PSGS想成喷水过剩<==喷涌

         2)喷涌的意思是大量排放mean to send forth or come forth copiously.    ""的意思是水向上冒,如泪如泉,风起云,《暗涌》指表面平静,底下却潮水涌动,形容强烈而隐蔽的感情,是王菲97年的歌非常好听,引申义是"大量出现",如涌现出大量好人好事,上课铃响了学生们涌入教室   ""泛指使人或物出去, ""特指从狭小的出口放出,如排解排泄排除排出排放